Our Lady and St Philip Neri


Staff plan and organise the learning for each year group to ensure that there is continuity and progression. Our curriculum planning framework aims to provide a broad, balanced and exciting education set within the context of the National Curriculum.

At Our Lady and St Philip Neri we make every attempt to develop meaningful links between these subjects. Although English and Maths are taught discretely at certain times of the day, they are also taught within a cross curricular context.

Visits and visitors are seen as a vital stimulation for children’s interest and are closely linked with the context for learning.

Each year there is at least one themed curriculum week in which the whole school focuses on a particular area of interest. These have included Cultural events, Book Week and Science.

For more information on the curriculum in your child's class please click here 

In the Foundation Stage

Children’s learning is planned, organised and assessed under the following headings

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  1. Communication and Language
  2. Literacy
  3. Mathematical development
  4. Knowledge and understanding of the world
  5. Physical development
  6. Expressive Arts and Design

We place a firm emphasis on learning through structured play both indoors and outdoors. The development of children’s social skills such as sharing and turn taking are very important at this stage.

Key Stage One & Key Stage Two


  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Handwriting
  • Phonics
  • Spelling
  • Maths
  • RE
  • Relationship & Health Education
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Art and DT
  • Computing
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Spanish